
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Thousand Acres Guest Post on Lent

This is my cousin Dayna, she blogs over at A Thousand Acres. Her blog is an awesome encouragement to me and so many others! She blogs about seeking Jesus in raising our kids, growing in ourselves, and just every day life. It always helps steer my perspective in a better direction!

I'm excited for her to guest post on Lent today (below). She will share with us that Lent is not only about taking something away, but also what we INCLUDE to prepare our hearts!

The single most important event in all history is marked today by Ash Wednesday. Forty days from now (not including Sundays) we will celebrate Easter: Resurrection Sunday. If it's truly the most important event in all history, it's worth celebrating. But how best to celebrate? 

 I think about an important event in my own life: my wedding. For that occasion I spent a considerable amount of time, effort, money, and strategic planning to celebrate in a worthy manner. Life is full. Five young children, involvement in a large community, family commitments, home improvement, meals, work, appointments, sports, activities. All the ways I fill my days leave little time to prepare for Easter.

Yet I want to...for I know that without preparation there won't be much of a celebration. Preparation forces me to back up, take a look at where I'm going, and be purposeful in trying to get there. So besides figuring out what I'm going to "give up" for Lent, I incorporate other activities into Lent season. 
 1.   I like to read the last few chapters of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John a few times. I have a devotional book that I read through, too.

2.  My children and I cut off all the branches on our Christmas tree and save the trunk for preparation of Easter.  We saw the trunk in two and nail it together, forming a cross. We place this in our living room, a visual sign of the life Christ lived and the death He died.

3.  On Ash Wednesday, each Sunday evening through Lent, and Good Friday our family lights the candles.  We sing hymns like What Can Wash Away My Sin?,  and read through a Lenten Lights devotional.

 4.  I pray, seeking a reflective spirit.  For God to come illuminate my need of His sacrifice to me and my family in a new way.  I pray God will prepare my heart in a way I can only set the stage for.

It is His power and Spirit that will allow me to participate in this single greatest event in all history with a prepared heart.

-- Dayna

1 comment:

  1. Danya- Happy Ash Wednesday to you- I love the picture of the little one riding away in her good dress. xo Diana


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