
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Testing, testing...


I've reset my Feedburner number to a lower KB number....ya, it's all Greek to me, but that's what "they" said to do...who's they? ....Feedburner. 

They said my feed was too big. 

I'm hoping this works!

This post is somewhat just to see if it "works" and will make it to Google Reader, Bloglovin' or people's e-mails.

....and to say the house prep for the market is going SLOW.....

...I've called in back-up.

My sis in law is coming on Tuesday to help.

When you start to get a "fixer-type" of house "ready for market", you run into all sorts of things you forgot you never finished!

......and my hubs broke our bathroom sink. As in cracked it on both sides with that mirror that hangs above it!

......and I just bumped my Junk Wall Art off the wall and broke the sconce, cracked that glass thing over the plant and made a big dent in the floor. 

Hmmm....will it ever be finished? 

We'll see. Hopefully I'll be able to share it all through my regular routes soon!

Better luck for blogging and DIY this week!

Hope you're all have a great weekend!



  1. Just wanted to let you know that I just got 8 new posts of yours in my Google it's working now! I had the same problem with my blog awhile back until I had it fixed. Nice to get your posts again! :)

    1. Yea!!! I've been looking and hadn't seen glad I figured it out!!!
      Thanks for letting me know!

  2. You know, I haven't had you in my google reader for 2 weeks. I just come by and read your blog. But I just went and checked. So weird!

    I didn't know you were selling your home! Good luck and I hope you get a quick sale!

    1. Well, my husband finishes his schooling in Dec, so after that we'll be taking a job ANYWHERE. I want to be ready to move and (as you've seen from the yard post) this place shows best right now. I would rather be renting and move then trying to sell this place and move...that sounds stressful! So we'll see how it goes. If it doesn't sell,....good, then I get to live in a finished house! If it does sell....I may be living in a tent! lol

  3. Yeah, it's def working again! Following via bloglovin & have 8 posts to catch up on

  4. I never stopped getting your posts via email.


I love to hear from all of you! Thanks for your fun notes!