
Monday, May 17, 2010

Borning busy, but Exciting Stuff!

It's been busy lately. Hence the slow blogging! I've been busy with projects, but they involve things like pulling weeds and dealing with electrical work. Boring for people to look at. The hubby has been working out of town 4 of the past 5 weeks, so between pregnancy, 4 kiddos, hm schooling and life, I've barly pulled out pics of past projects!
Today the elcetrician came!!! We NEVER pay anyone to do anything on our house, so what an increadible treat to have plug-in's and lights without doing a thing! There's a new plug in behind the left plant, for my Chirstmas lights that go around the banister and door :) There's a new plug-in at the bottom of these built-in shelves (I didn't show the bottom, since the bottom 1/2 of the lights are burnt out hehe). No more tacky light strings across the wall! Anyone know where to get decent priced Christmas lights this time of year??
And Wednesday, they'll be light!!! Can lights in the living room, kitchen and downstairs! Woohoo!!! Can't wait!!!

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand about having someone else do the work. We always do it ourselves and sometimes it seems it takes forever! Very nice~


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