
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Displaying Family Heirlooms

Well, this is the last gallery wall project I'll post, before the big gallery wall reveal! If you'ld like to see the others click on 


This tutorial involves this beautiful silver that my mother-in-law mailed me not too long ago. This spoon and fork were made for my husband's birth. They have his name, birth date, weight, and length engraved on them. When I saw them, I was in awe of how cool they were! Do people still make this sort of thing? 

Here's a close-up of the silver. The picture doesn't show the engraving very well, but it's actually pretty easy to see when you're holding them.

I figured I would somehow put it on the gallery wall, but didn't have a shadow box and didn't necessarily want to go buy one. 

So, I took this old frame and matting (it actually used to be a wood color frame with hunter green matting, but I had sprayed it black for the gallery wall a couple months ago), and traced the matting size on the paper. 

Then I glued the matting on the paper. 

I left room on the inside and clipped to the corners.

Then I folded the corners back and taped them. I seemed to only be able to find duct tape today.

 Then I cut another piece of the paper and taped it on the back, so only white would be showing through the hole of the matting. 

I guess this post could also be titled, "another easy way to change out your matting".

 Then I took Gorilla Glue and glued the silver to the paper.

 In retrospect, I would have used hot glue. The Gorilla Glue started to foam around the edges of the silver and looked messier than I would have liked. I also started wondering if it would wreck the silver at all. I think the hot glue would have just peeled off if needed. 

Aren't the cute in there?  I ended up having to switch them to opposite directions, because the frame was going sideways on the wall and I like them better than way. 

A little more sanding and a little paint and the gallery wall will be done!


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Sundays: Homemaker on a Dime Sunday's Best CRAFT


  1. Katie- Really, really cute. I like them turned sideways better, too. I never have very good luck with gorilla glue when I use it. I'm with you-give me good old hot glue for most projects. Happy Wednesday-xo Diana

  2. What a wonderful idea. I especially love using family heirlooms in home decor.

  3. I love these! Such great ideas for display!

  4. This is sooo beautiful! I love that you displayed such a treasure!! ;)

    Bonnie @ uncommon

  5. Great idea Katie! Thanks for an easy to follow tutorial.

  6. Great idea -- I'm going to steal it to display hubby's grandmothers silver! I’d love it if you would consider linking with Busy Monday (open Monday through Thursdays) at A Pinch of Joy, a linky party for ideas that make life better, easier and more fun!

  7. I love it. I'm going to steal this idea when I create our gallery wall in our new house. Thanks for the tutorial.


  8. Love, Love, Love this...a great way to display children's silver! I'm your newest follower.

  9. This is so cute! I would probably have used rubber cement. That peels off of anything :) A box frame might be the way to go later on to limit the air exposure that will make the silver tarnish.

  10. Love the way you framed your heirlooms!!! I would love it if you would link up at my party going on now! (It's my first one!!!)

    Jill :)

  11. This is such a great idea! The silver looks beautiful, but I love the thought that you could use just about anything. Totally pinning this! Thanks!! :)

  12. this is really sweet. i did something similar myself this week. visiting from the somewhat simple link party.

  13. Adorable! I have not seen any birth engraved silver before. Thanks for the little tutorial, not to mention giving me a great idea. found you at Crafty Scrappy Happy Me

  14. Hey cutie. I love the fork and spoon! What an great idea! Great job! And thanks again for guest posting!

    1. Thanks for trading me!!! Wishing you a great weekend!


  15. Love the fork and spoon framed. Thanks for sharing.

  16. I love this!

    I did a similar project a few weeks ago and tried hot glue - it didn't hold the silver spoon (and it was a small spoon). Gorilla glue was the only thing that seemed to work.


    1. Good to know! I'll just have to keep the Gorilla Glue under control next time! lol


  17. Thank you for sharing This lovely project at Potpourri Friday at 2805!

  18. I pinned this for my gallery wall - that a cool idea!

  19. Love it Katie! My mom recently gave me silver baby spoons I never even knew I used! This would be a great way to display them. TFS!

  20. Very nice idea! My MIL recently sent me a (get this) bronzed hat that belonged to a fox-hunting ancestor! Of all the things I expected to get from UPS..that wasn't one of them.

    I haven't got a clue as to what to do with it!

    Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Wow, that is interesting. It's also really cool though! It must be pretty old to be from a fox-hunting ancestor! I guess I really don't know that. Maybe people still hunt foxes? How big is it?


  21. This is perfect for an heirloom, love the way you did it.

  22. I love this is sophisticated and adds dimension to the gallery wall. I am your newest follower!

  23. This is GORGEOUS! I love when people's homes use beautiful, personal items for decorating. Thank you for sharing. :)

    (Visiting from Feature Yourself Friday)

  24. What a beautiful idea! A great way to display something you treasure!

    I pinned it!

    Susan @ Oh My! Creative

  25. Loving this. The few pieces of silverware from my grandmother are stuffed in the back of my flat ware drawer, this is a much better way to honor and display them. I'd love you to link them up at my party:

  26. Katie-
    This is fantastic! I have a few stray pieces of silverware from my great grandmother- this is a fantastic way to display it.... don't know why I didn't think about it before! Thanks for the tutorial & for linking up!

  27. This is beautiful. I have some silver rabbit baby forks that I used and my kids used. This will be a future project once the next bambino is done with them!

  28. These are just beautiful! We also have some Newbridge flatwear from Ireland and I always wondered how we could display it! This is a great tutorial. Would love if you'd have time to share on my linky party going on now.

    Thanks, Michelle

  29. I love that you were able to take something that was important to you and your family and incorporate it into your gallery wall. Thank you for sharing at Whimsy Wednesday at The NY Melrose Family.

  30. Very cute! I love the look of those hanging on the wall. That is so special to have those engraved fork and spoon!! Looks great! Thanks for sharing!

  31. Nice project. ////Simple and very elegant.

  32. This is SUCH a great idea. I have so many special keepsakes like this that I didn't know what to do with and now I do!



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