
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I, Katie, the blog loving Follower.

So, it's almost here, March 1st. The day that Google Friend Connect will go away for all the non-Blogger blogs. I am a Blogger blog, so you don't have to worry if you follow me through GFC, and if you are also a Blogger Blog.

The entire situation still confuses me though. I am no techy. I feel that a just missed out (age wise) on that generation below me. The one that has never really known what it was like to not have a computer in the house. I know it isn't true, but I have this impression that anyone in their mid-20's or younger, picks this stuff up as if they were reading a Cat in the Hat book, and to me technology is like getting a doctorate in bio-physics. No, actually bio-physics came easier to me than web-building.

Even though I will still have GFC on my sidebar, there are so many non Blogger blogs that I follow, and many that I participate in Linky parties through. So, what's one to do?

My first decision was to jump on the Linky bandwagon. Everyone else was doing it, so I figured that Linky must be the new way to follow, and I still would say it's probably a good way to follow. To be honest, I haven't given Linky a lot of attention yet. I know I need to be linking my posts into Linky so others can see them that follow through Linky, and I keep forgetting to. I tried to find the people that I follow on Linky's dashboard, and I was really confused (it doesn't take much with this stuff).

There have been a few bloggers screamin' out about Blogloving. Screaming in a good way. Saying it's easy and you don't have to manually put your post in. So, the other night I realized I need to make some decisions. You see my situation is that I'm still viewing blogs from a gadget off my sidebar. Yup, the old school way, and when I must have reached the max number of blogs for that gadget, the gadget just wouldn't add or take away any anymore. It just fizzled out. So I started putting them all in Google Reader, which I realized after sometime, only held 300. I have about 500 I follow...I know, I know, hence the title of this post! So I e-mailed a few bloggers, those bloggers who were screaming about Bloglovin', and decided to give it a try, and all I can say is,..... it's working, it's easy and i'm not confused! It only took about an hour and a half to enter my 500 blogs! lol.

Now, I'm not saying anything bad about Linky. The man who runs that company seems really nice, and the bloggers who helped him create the program, I have the upmost respect for, so I'm sure it's a good way to check your blogs. It was just confusing, well, confusing to me, but like I mentioned before, that doesn't take much!

So Blogloving is now on my sidebar. You can follow your blogs that way if you wish. This is my two cents (for what it's worth). That the Bloglovin answer was an easy way to go, for me at least, and that if you also are seriously perplexed by technology, and are saying, what? huh? how? to this entire "blog following" situation, you might just check it out.

You can also follow me through Facebook, Twitter, E-mail, or Subscribing. All found on my sidebar.

Below is a button that will take you to a Bloglovin Blog hop, at the NY Melrose Family, if you wish to go to one.



  1. Katie that's great! I'm one of those who were "screaming" about how easy Bloglovin' is! LOL! So welcome in our Bloglovin' world! Already following you there as you may know.
    Love, Olga

  2. I'm so glad you joined in the bloglovin' blog hop. I love it! It'll be up until Sunday so stop back when you get a chance. Yay!

  3. Thank you for this post! I was having a terrible time with my blog roll and the reader and I couldn't figure out why.. now I know.. they can't handle my obsessive compulsive need to follow the abundance of crafty blogs out Looks like I am going to go through bloglovin from now on too! Newest follower through bloglovin ;0)

  4. Hi there, I found you on the Bloglovin Blog hop and I'm now following you. Loving your site! I would love it if you hopped over to my page and followed me too
    Thank you, Janelle @ Emmaline


I love to hear from all of you! Thanks for your fun notes!