
Monday, February 27, 2012

Tell it to Me Tuesday #9: Features and Linky Party!

Hey everyone
Welcome to Tell it to Me Tuesday #9! 


First off, this week's giveaway is from Ramsign!  Click here to see their beautiful signs and to enter for the giveaway!

Now on to the features!!!

1. ) Our Thrifty Nest of 7 painted their white cabinets gray, and added a splash of yellow. (with 5 kids I've thought about changing the color of my white cabinets too! Their kitchen reveal is impressive!

2.) Meg and Mums re-makes this buffet with stunning results!

3.) Full Circle Creations show her incredible DIY on making canvases, painting and sketching on them. She makes it look pretty easy and it would cost next to nothing!

4.) It all Started with Paint remodels her powder room. I love a bathroom with baskets and cute numbers!

5.) Remodelando la Casa shows us her new tongue and groove wall! Talk about a great way to add some interest! 

6.) Everything Has A Place displays her gorgeous table setting for Spring. 

7.) My 1929 Charmer shows us her kitchen reveal! Love that tin backsplash and the little cabinet legs!

8.) Suzy Home Made show how to made a DIY camera strap out of a cute scarf! 

Healthy Living Category

1.) The Terpblog tells us about their 52 week workout challenge. If you take on a workout challenge with friends and involve a little wager $, you might be more likely to succeed! This is a fun idea!

2.) Another FANTASTIC idea (seriously love this one) is to have a MOM's Camp during the summer!!! This is a great "healthy living" idea, because this would aid mental stability during the summer! lol  RE-invented will give you all the details on how to put on your own Mom's Camp!

There were seriously SO many good ideas. To check out some great spring craft and decor ideas and to see other room reveals at last week's party, click HERE.

If you were featured, grab a button!
Creatively Living

Now on to this week's party!

 As before....

There will be 2 categories for this party:

1.) The typical: DIY, crafts, makeovers, recipes, ect...

2.) Staying healthy! 
 Don't we all want to be more healthy. It seems to be on everyone's resolution list.....just about every year!   This will be dedicated to healthy recipes, workout tips, and health success stories. PLEASE no product info! Let's keep it to healthy eating, exercise and staying healthy success stories, or just getting out and MOVING!

Da Rules (not many)

1.) No giveaways, sales, linky parties (or specific product info for the health section, such as, Slim Jim Shake Cleanse. ..ya know what I mean?)
2.) Please paste a button or a link back to my blog.

That's it!  Follow me on the sidebar under GFC, Linky Followers, and I now have a Bloglovin' widget, or facebook, or Twitter if you wish, and please visit a couple others. We all love some linky love!


  1. Replies
    1. Sorry, I forgot to put it in under HTML. I have it up and going now :)

  2. Katie--Thanks for hosting. I'm hosting a bloglovin blog hop and would love for you to join in. It's open today until Sunday. I hope to see you there!

  3. Thanks for featuring our workout challenge story! We love sharing it!

  4. Thank you so much for featuring my trio of paintings. You said such sweet things about them. Thanks for hosting the party!


  5. Thank you sooo much for featuring our kitchen!!


  6. Thank so much for the feature, and for always hosting such a great party.

  7. Awesome Decor link ups! Love those Kitchen- I love the pops of yellow! So pretty! Thanks for another great party!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I love the pops of yellow too. Just the right color for spring!


  8. Great party and awesome features! I added your party to the party list on my blog.

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class

  9. Hi Katie, Thanks a lot for featuring my wall project! You made my day!!
    Thanks for hosting.

  10. Hi there! First time linker coming over from Bowl Full of Lemons... LOVE your site!

    Samm @

  11. Thanks for hosting!! Have a great week!

  12. Thanks for the feature! :D

    1. Absolutely! Hey, I'm just making sure you got my guest post? I never heard back from ya after I sent it...wanted to make sure it wasn't out in cyber space somewhere?? lol

  13. In my excitement in being featured I forgot to link up?????? Now the party is closed, so sorry my brain did a slow down. I will be back for your next party.

    1. haha! Cathy, that sounds like something I would do! No worries, link it up on Tuesday!

      Hope your weekend is going well.



I love to hear from all of you! Thanks for your fun notes!