
Sunday, February 19, 2012

News at Creatively Living

Hey everyone!

Lots of Creatively Living news!

First, a big thanks to all of you who read and follow CL! Creatively Living is up to 500 followers on GFC, and had over 250,000 page views in the past month! Wow!

Secondly, we're going to be road trippin' it! This might sound normal, but's not. 

My 5 kids, my father-in-law and I will be road tripping it from WA state to SC, and the kids and I will be living in a small military apt with my husband (who is currently working there), for 5 weeks! 
We did this same thing the summer before last and it was actually really fun. 
Just in case you're a crazy person reading this, I will be having a house sitter. 

I have all sorts of things planned to show you on the trip! We'll be stopping in CO at my sister's for a couple days and re-make her sewing room. I plan on actually having more time to work on crafts, sewing and learning more about my camera. 
...and if you're wondering, yes, I am road tripping with my sewing machine. 

 I'm going to be tethering my computer to my phone, so I should be able to blog on the road! 

Thirdly, I'm going to be making some great basement progress before I leave, and showing you all the steps along the way! They'll be a couple room reveals, and we'll also be having some great new guest bloggers and giveaways!

So stay tuned! 
....and to give you a head's up....tomorrow there's going to be a Ramsign giveaway! You don't want to miss it!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!



  1. Where in Sc are y'all going? I'm from beaufort/charleston! Area I hope you love it and the trip there isn't too eventful!
    Lauren D.

    1. We'll be in Columbia. We loved it when we were there before. I'm hoping to get to some seaside areas this time.

  2. wow Katie, sounds like a great adventure! can't wait to see all your updates and pictures!

  3. Could you add a room onto my van?? :)


  4. and stopping in SD too right for some great decorating!! :-)

  5. Found you through the Grow Your Blog Hop and I'm now a follower, would appreciate you dropping by and doing the same.

  6. Good luck on your road trip! I am your newest Linky Follower and hope you will follow me back and join me at my new party, Toot Your Horn Tuesday. Hope to see you there :)

  7. sounds aweseome! we're roadtriping this spring too (to sc no less!) tethering....oh you're gonna HAVE to share how you do THAT!! xo

    1. Good question! My husband told me about it! I still have to call the phone company. I think it does cost $30/month :( Normally I wouldn't do it, but in this case, I think it will be worth it.

      I'll let you know more when I figure it all out!



I love to hear from all of you! Thanks for your fun notes!