
Friday, February 17, 2012

Organize Your Life with Clipix

clipix is a new, free, and really fun tool to help organize all the things we see online! There have been so many times I've bookmarked websites, just for one little picture, or one piece of information! Then my bookmark list is a mile long, and difficult to navigate, not to mention it's hard to find things I saved under it!

So you may be asking how this works? You go to clipix and you will drag a "clip" button to your bookmarks bar. You then click on it whenever you see something online that you'd like to come back to. Everything you clip will be saved in customized clipboards on clipix that you organize and control.

You can make clipboards for anything, such as gifts for birthdays, home decor ideas, clothes you like, recipes you want to try, or even holidays. I just made one for St. Patrick's Day that is shown below. The list of organized boards you can have is endless!


What I really love about clipix, is that they have something called Syncboards. These boards allow you to clip collaboratively with your friends and family! How many times have you seen the perfect shirt or saying for a friend? This would be an easy way to save and share it with them!

Another great feature is something called a multiboard, where you can group multiple clipboards to stay better organized.

My favorite feature is that the boards can be privatized! Which means you can create a "Christmas presents" board that no one else can see!  Genius!

With clipix, you can reclip clips, comment on clips, share them on Facebook and Twitter, and they even have an iphone app!

If you feel you'ld like more information,  you can click on the short video below.

Really though, you should head on over to clipix, and try it out! It's very easy and a fun way to be organized!

I've started including the clip button at the bottom of my posts, so it will be easy for you to clip images and I've also installed it on my sidebar.

What do you see yourself clipping?


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  1. Hi, I just found you on linky hop and now follow you would love for you to come over and follow mine..Love your blog.

  2. Hi Katie!

    Thank you for participating in the blog hop!
    Wishing you well on your bloggy endeavors.
    Newest follower :)



I love to hear from all of you! Thanks for your fun notes!