
Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 2 of the sewing nook re-do: A new dress for the ladies.

I purchased these gals a couple yrs ago at a yardsale. My sister is a professional designer and I really picked them up for her, since I don't usually have room for a sewing room. However, since I had found a nook for a sewing area, I just had to use them! But let's face it....the blue and white striped dress had to go! Here's a hint of what this nook has turned out like! Oh how it came together nicely! And these gals are lookin' good in thier new dresses! Ooo-la-la!


  1. where did u find room for your sewing nook? i can't beleive the projects you get done w/ the goldsworthy crew!! i need your energy!

  2. Kris, -- It's in the first part of that closet that is the entire length of the basement hallway. Luckily it's devided into sections! I finally shoved more hand-me-downs clothes under the kid's beds and took it over for myself (the first section) :) As far as energy goes, I think I just reglected everything else for the weekend. You should have seen the place!


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