
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Things to do with a dumpster dive crib: Part 2

I decided to use the sides of the crib as a "distraction" from the stuff on the other side of our fence, and a great place for growing vined plants.  I painted them....

and wired them up!

We plan on putting another large, long garden box underneath them and I am hoping to grow vined vegetables you can see, I'm trying to also use it as a "distraction" from the large, green neighboring pick-up :)

Yes, this picture looks pretty bad now, but if you can just imagine a garden box with lots of green growing everywhere, it would help :)

I hope to have my 3rd crib part refurbished in another day or two!

*oh yes, if you want to see part 1 click here. 

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1 comment:

  1. That's a great idea! I can definitely picture the garden box and lots of vines growing up it, can't wait to see it all put together!


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